Thursday, September 6, 2007

ATL Celebrilove: Usher's Wedding Pics

Usher and Tameka had a "real" wedding this weekend....just in case you care (i don't) The pics are over at

Speaking of Usher.
I caught an '05 interview he did with Cathy Hughes that was rerun on TVOne. She asked him about love and women and he explained that his mom is a great judge of character and she notices when its real and when its right. She gives an honest opinion. (THEN HE SHOULDVE TAKEN HER ADVICE ON TAMEKA). He hopes he will have a better judge of character and a power of discernment as he gets older. He said he eventually wants a family. Marriage is not in his vocabulary. Maybe 30, 35. (TRY 28). It'll happen when its meant to happen. "She'll find you." He likes a spontaneous woman who keeps it jazzy. Someone who is exotic and thoughtful. (HMM...I'M NOT THINKING TAMEKA FITS THAT DESCRIPTION).

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