Friday, November 2, 2007

Featured Articles: What We Argue About

The top five things couples argue about:

  • Money: It is linked to power and often times big spenders fall in love with big savers...a recipe for trouble.
  • Sex: How often to have it is the issue. Did you know the average person has sex 61 times per year. Thats around 5 times per month....
  • Work: How much time are you taking from your signif other to give to your career?
  • Kids: When to have them, and how to raise them?
  • Chores: Seems like nothing, but often times its about respect.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

ATL Celebrilove: DISSmissed

If you need a primer on some of the latest relationship gossip....

  • Bobby Brown dissed his former J.O. (Jump Off) Superhead on Ryan Cameron's show yesterday...see for audio
  • Bow Wow is supposedly planning to lace an upcoming track w/ some subtle disses on ex-Ciara...see

Notable and Quotable

Three things of life that are most valuable -Love, self-confidence & friends.
~ Unknown ~

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Featured Articles: SEX

I found this post on another website earlier...its one mans view of sex outside of his marriage...Its sad and disturbing, and scary...and probably true...damn

"Ask yourself: what's wrong with a little sex on the side (health risks aside). Most people would agree that we'd all be happier if we had it more often. I'm sorry of this offends anyone- but for people who expect to get married and only have sex with the spouse for ever, well, that's terribly arrogant in my view. I think I am reasonably skilled a sex after my 36 years- but I know that sometimes the fire gets a little lower (read as "boring") for me and my spouse. I can tell you that I quietly get some elsewhere when I need to and I suspect very strongly that "she" (my spouse) does too. We don't discuss it, we are both adults and I can tell you that I am crazy about my spouse. I would lose my mind if I was ever alone with out her. My feelings in this area have not a single thing to do with sex.
I know women are very tortured by this. I have heard this subject come up a lot with women over the years and I don't expect my few paragraphs to be a revelation to anyone; but I hope it's a little helpful to some worried women out there.
Don't worry. It's just sex. Be smart and see the larger picture."

Notable and Quotable

"What the eyes don't see, the heart doesn't feel."
