"I have found men who didn't know how to kiss. I've always found time to teach them."
~ by Mae West ~
Friday, September 14, 2007
Notable and Quotable
Posted by
Ms. Three Sixty
Friday, September 14, 2007
Labels: Notable and Quotable
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Peachy Date Ideas
Looking for something to do besides dinner and a movie this weekend? Try going to see Women of Brewster's Place at Alliance Theater or Stevie Wonder at Chastain. End the weekend watching some pigskin together at your place while you cook Sunday dinner.
Posted by
Ms. Three Sixty
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Labels: Peachy Date Ideas
i HEART atlanta
Posted by
Ms. Three Sixty
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Labels: i HEART atlanta
ATL Celebrilove: Porter-Chapman-Combs Love Triangle
Posted by
Ms. Three Sixty
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Labels: ATL Celebrilove
Letter To My Ex: My High School Sweetheart
Do you remember me--your high school sweetheart? I sure hope so. I was just reminiscing on how we met. You were the new kid at school, star of the football team, and all around most wanted. So of course, I had to have you. Being a cheerleader, class president, and social butterfly--it was only fitting. After passing each other in the hallway after school, our relationship came naturally. I was in love. Or at least I thought I was. We met in 1997 and I had plans to be your wife by 2000. We'd bring kids into the world by '04 and live happily ever after. I was going to be a lawyer and you would play in the NFL. We would live the life.
We had some great times though. We did the typical high school dating like going to the movies and the bowling alley; skipping school to go to the nearest amusement park; and making out in the back of my 1998 Nissan Stanza. We went to prom together and to family gatherings together. Since I graduated a year before you did, I had to leave town for college. That’s when the long distance relationship started. As you well know--that didn’t last very long.
Posted by
Ms. Three Sixty
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Labels: Letter To My Ex
Lesson Learned: Today is a Special Day.
For me its special because God woke myself and my friends and family up with clothes to put on our backs, and food to put in our bellies. I have a job and I'm going home tonight to a man I love.
Why is today special for you????
for more answers go over to thatsmyanswer.com
Posted by
Ms. Three Sixty
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Labels: Lessons Learned
Notable and Quotable
"Soul meets soul on lover's lips."
~ Percy Bysshe Shelly ~
Posted by
Ms. Three Sixty
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Labels: Notable and Quotable
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Lesson Learned: The Marriage Contract
This morning, the Frank and Wanda morning show on V103 discussed a somewhat sensitive relationship issue: To prenup or not to prenup, that is the question. Its interesting to me that years ago women were generally against prenups. That's likely because we knew our husbands would be the primary providers and would likely make more than us throughout the course of the relationship. Of course we wanted to capitalize and be able to take half if d day ever came.
Well, the tide has turned, and as many of you are well aware, women often out earn men in today's relationships. With our degrees and businesses, not only do we currently out earn some of our lovers but we have the potential to continue doing so. Accordingly, our views on prenups have changed--at least mine have over the years.
A prenup is a contract. It doesnt say any certain thing on its own. You give it meaning by what you and your fiance decide to put in it. You can agree on any and everything you'd like. Frank Ski said this morning, and I agree, that a prenup is like insurance. It protects you for a rainy day. If your marriage ends by death, as it should, then the prenup never comes into play and your spouse will receive your estate via your will or intestate laws. If however, it ends because your partner "changed," cheated, or the love has otherwise died, then why would you want to share your financial estate with him/her??? Some say, why plan for divorce, marriages are supposed to last. Yea, well supposed to and do are two different things. You have to be realistic about it and the truth is that divorce rates are through the roof.
Once you decide to get a prenup, what should it say? Here are some of my ideas:
- Everything we owned separately before the marriage is separate property and cant be touched by the other party
- Any gifts given directly to one party is that person's separate property
- Any monies received from separate careers remains that person's separate property
- Any monies received from jointly owned companies and business ventures will be split according to the terms of that business's operating agreement
- If you cheat (to be defined later) you get nothing but your half of the jointly owned businesses described above (no chance of rehabilitative or reimbursement alimony)
- If one party is a stay at home spouse and/or supports the household while the other works then that party will receive some reimbursement and rehabilitative alimony to get him/her on their feet again. This amount will be reduced by monies given during the marriage.
- None of this affects child support. The party getting custody of the child will receive funds necessary to give THE CHILDREN the same life they would have received had the parties remained married.
As you can see, there is a lot to think about. After you get that 2 carat Tiffany's engagement ring, celebrate, but then sit down to communicate about your financial futures together and in the event of default. Its just like a business deal. Marriage is a contract. When you breach your agreement, the contract is terminated. Accordingly you lose all future profits from that marriage and should not be able to take from the deal as if you hadn't breached. I know that seems to take the love out of the picture and makes the marriage formulaic, but hey, when it comes to my finances give me a formula--whats love got to do with it.
Besides, if both parties hold up their ends of the bargain the prenup will be a piece of paper that never sees the light of day and both parties will share in the fruits of the marriage's labor. Whats mine will be his, whats his will be mine, and whats ours will be forever ours.
All I know is I'll be getting one, and so should you.
Posted by
Ms. Three Sixty
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Labels: Lessons Learned
Notable and Quotable
"Some pray to marry the man they love, my prayer will somewhat vary: I humbly pray to Heaven above that I love the man I marry."
--Rose Stokes
Posted by
Ms. Three Sixty
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Labels: Notable and Quotable
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Off My Chest: Keyshia Cole Edition
Posted by
Ms. Three Sixty
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Featured Article: For Fellas Only
With for sistas only coming up this weekend (see v103.com for details), here's something for the men out there. Men's Health has reported on 5 key areas in which ladies judge you on the first date. After reading, i'll say that its quite true. Below are some ideas (loosely based on the article) on how to overcome these problem areas and to make date #2 a reality.
- We don't like yellow teeth/bad breath.
Make whitening strips, Scope and altoids a part of your pre-date routine. If your situation is serious, take a trip on down to Bright Smiles before you pick me up. Yellow Teeth + Bad Breath = No GoodNight Kiss
- We don't like dirty nails.
There is nothing gay about getting a manicure. Find the nearest shop and get that done for $22. Also, eating three eggs a week will give your body the protein it needs to build strong nails.
- We don't like dirty shoes.
Please pull out the crispy ones or the freshly shined loafers for our night on the town. Scuffs, tears and marks are not the business. As a trick, use a Mr. Clean magic eraser to keep white sneaks clean.
- We dont' like to wing it.
Have a plan. Make reservations, pick us up on time and have a post-dinner itinerary. Whether its pre purchased movie tickets (were you seriously gonna make me stand in line??) or dessert/coffee at Intermezzo, have something together. It shows dependability and excitement.
- We don't like road rage.
Posted by
Ms. Three Sixty
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Labels: Featured Articles
Featured Articles: F as in Fat
Did you know Georgia is ranked 14th in the nation for the Fattest Adults? Why? Because we eat fattening foods and do not exercise. Its time for some portion control ladies and gentleman--some plate pushing and working out. No, not everyone needs to be a size 2, but you do need to be healthy. Make a promise to yourself that you'll start today---without diet pills and lipo, but with a healthy routine. Besides, if you look good, you'll feel good.
Read the article here: http://www.ajc.com/news/content/living/stories/2007/08/27/obesityga0827.html
Posted by
Ms. Three Sixty
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Labels: Featured Articles
ATL Celebrilove: Keyshia Cole Edition
Posted by
Ms. Three Sixty
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Labels: ATL Celebrilove
Notable and Quotable
"Love is the triumph of imagination over intelligence."
-Henry Louis Mencken
Posted by
Ms. Three Sixty
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Labels: Notable and Quotable
Monday, September 10, 2007
Spotlight: Six Questions with Lil' Duval

Love's A Peach: What's your relationship status?
Lil Duval: It depends on if the person wants to give me some.
Love's A Peach: What's the hardest thing about dating for you in light of your celebrity status?
Lil Duval: People holding back on giving me some because I'll think they're a groupie.
Love's A Peach: Well if a girl gave it up on the first night would you think she's a groupie?
Lil Duval: Nah, the groupie is the one that doesn't wanna give me none, but just wants to hang with me.
Love's A Peach: What's the best advice you can give to women dating in Atlanta?
Lil Duval: Use protection so I don't have to on you.
Love's A Peach: What is love to you?
Lil Duval: Its letting someone get on your insurance because they don't have any.
Love's A Peach: What do you have going on besides dating?
Lil Duval: [a term for masturbation I wont post on this site], and other than that looking at ghetto booties 1-60.
Posted by
Ms. Three Sixty
Monday, September 10, 2007
Upcoming Events: Save the Date
Posted by
Ms. Three Sixty
Monday, September 10, 2007
Notable and Quotable
"The great tragedy of life is not that men perish, but that they cease to love."
-W. Somerset Maugham
Posted by
Ms. Three Sixty
Monday, September 10, 2007
Labels: Notable and Quotable
Featured Articles: Forbes' Best Cities for Singles
Forbes magazine has ranked Atlanta the 4th best city for singles. They look at "urbanized" areas and rate them on nightlife, population, culture, job growth, etc. While I'll agree that Atlanta is a great place to grow your career and start your hustle, when it comes to love this may not be the place. The article looked at all races, but if it were to focus on the African American community I think Atlanta may be a little further down the list. If you look at the numbers of eligible men, you'd have to take out the few that are married, those that are in jail or on house arrest, those that are chronically unemployed, those that are openly gay and those that are down low. That leaves 12 eligible bachelors in Atlanta for the 10,898 beautiful, smart and successful black women in town. Hmmm....not so good.
Ok my numbers may be a bit exaggerated but the article does point out that:
- Today the median age of first marriage is rising for both men and women
- singles make up 41% of American adults 18 and over
- most Americans can expect to spend fully half of their adult lives unmarried
- 9.8 million Americans lived with an opposite sex partner ie) shacked up, in 2005
- becoming a single mother by choice rather than necessity is a growing trend
Read more at http://www.forbes.com/2007/08/21/best-cities-singles-forbeslife-singles07-cx_ee_0821singlesintro.html
Posted by
Ms. Three Sixty
Monday, September 10, 2007
Labels: Featured Articles
ATL Celebrilove: VMAs
Pic courtesy of YBF.blogspot.com (see site for lots of non ATL celebs)
Posted by
Ms. Three Sixty
Monday, September 10, 2007
Labels: ATL Celebrilove