He hails from Jacksonville, Florida but lives in the ATL. You've seen him on BET's Coming to the Stage. He hosted this year's Ozone Awards. You can catch him every Tuesday night at Trippin' on Tuesdays. He's Grand Hustle. He's to the point. And normally, He's hilarious. However after reading 6 Questions with Lil' Duval (or at least the part that's suitable for posting) , you'll probably be left saying "Is he serious, I can't believe he said that!" I really hope his views on love, protection and groupies are not the views of Atlanta's men...You be the judge.
Love's A Peach: What's your relationship status?
Lil Duval: It depends on if the person wants to give me some.
Love's A Peach: What's the hardest thing about dating for you in light of your celebrity status?
Lil Duval: People holding back on giving me some because I'll think they're a groupie.
Love's A Peach: Well if a girl gave it up on the first night would you think she's a groupie?
Lil Duval: Nah, the groupie is the one that doesn't wanna give me none, but just wants to hang with me.
Love's A Peach: What's the best advice you can give to women dating in Atlanta?
Lil Duval: Use protection so I don't have to on you.
Love's A Peach: What is love to you?
Lil Duval: Its letting someone get on your insurance because they don't have any.
Love's A Peach: What do you have going on besides dating?
Lil Duval: [a term for masturbation I wont post on this site], and other than that looking at ghetto booties 1-60.
WTF??!!?? There you have it ladies and gentleman...the mind of a 20 something comedian in Atlanta. I really hope he was playing--I mean he is a comedian. But damn Lil Duval, damn. That's all I can say. If you wanna learn more about him you can visit his site at www.myspace.com/rolandpowell.
...as an update, after asking Lil Duval to look at this interview b/c it may rub some people the wrong way, he stated, "Let them know I'm just joking."
For more jokes go on down to Uptown Comedy every Tuesday.
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