Monday, August 13, 2007

Lesson Learned: Relax Relate Release

Whitley Gilbert said it best on "A Different World"..."RELAX, RELATE, RELEASE!" Holding on too tightly to a relationship can only squeeze the life out of it. I know, its much easier said than done--but we have to learn to loosen our grasp and let nature take its course. We can easily become consumed with when we will see him again, why she hasn't called, what he did at the club last night and what she is really thinking of us. Before you know it you've questioned, snooped and checked until your significant other has had enough. You can only call his/her phone so many times, send so many text messages, and go over unannounced so many times before that person ends the relationship. Believe me, I know. My advice. Breathe. Remember that we cannot always be in control of every little detail of our or our partner's lives. We have to let go and let God. Don't let your fear take over your sanity. The next time it tries to, put down the phone and car keys and Relax, Relate, Release.

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