Friday, September 7, 2007

Off My Chest: Cell Phone Etiquette

Who knew so much could be stored in just a few cubic inches of space? Racy text messages, X-rated pictures, forbidden numbers. Whether it’s a Razor, PDA, or I-phone if we are in a relationship you can pretty much assume that I'll be going through your mobile device. You can call me nosy, you can say I'm untrusting, but I don't care. If we are in a committed relationship then there should be absolutely nothing on your cell phone that I can't see. What's with all the codes and passwords? Do you have something to hide? I'll give you the common courtesy not to hack into your voicemail and check those messages (unless you give me reason to), and I won't have a set time everyday during which I go thru your phone. But I will sporadically yank it from you or peruse while you are out of the room. I'm giving full disclosure now so that it won't come as a surprise later. Su telefono es mi telefono. Oh, and there are no double standards here…you can feel free to do the same to my blackberry, sidekick, and Katana. Here are some ground rules:

1) Your ringer will be on loud during the nighttime hours. No vibrate and no silent.
2) You will answer calls in front of me.
3) You will not take your phone with you in the bathroom and/or shower.
4) You will hand over the device whenever I so request.
5) You will remove all passcodes from the phone.

Great, now that we have that out of the way, we can move on with the relationship. Sorry, I just had to get that off my chest!

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