Monday, October 15, 2007

Lesson Learned: Say a Prayer

Tired of arguing with your mate? Cried all that you can cry? Said all that you can say? Its easy to make up superficially, but what about the hurtful words that cut you deep, the pain you're harbouring in your heart.

Try saying this love prayer with your partner. A couple that prays together, stays together...

"Lord, help us remember that our love for each other reflects your love for us. May we empower one another to fulfill our purpose in life. May our love be an example for our friends and a model for all. May our experience as a couple give us a preview of the oneness we will experience someday. Help us to see that everything is either love or a call for love. Help us to celebrate our similarities and honor our differences. Help us to transcend our limitations and utilize our talents. Thank you for this opportunity, this life and for my loving partner. Amen."

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