Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Featured Articles: Ugly Ducklings

So, according to a study discussed in the AJC today, ATLiens are not an attractive bunch of people...

Are we really that ugly?
AJC Tuesday, October 23, 2007, 08:05 AM
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution
The website Travelandleisure.com and CNN Headline News have released the results of an online poll of travelers and residents on what they like (and don’t like) about 25 large cities in the United States, and Atlanta is not going to be happy with the results.
There are many different categories, and we do better in some than in others, but what jumped out was that we rank 23rd out of 25 cities for people-watching, and 19th out of 25 for attractiveness of the natives.

I will point out that the note above discusses attractiveness of natives...hmmm...glad I'm a transplant:)

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