Monday, September 10, 2007

Featured Articles: Forbes' Best Cities for Singles

Forbes magazine has ranked Atlanta the 4th best city for singles. They look at "urbanized" areas and rate them on nightlife, population, culture, job growth, etc. While I'll agree that Atlanta is a great place to grow your career and start your hustle, when it comes to love this may not be the place. The article looked at all races, but if it were to focus on the African American community I think Atlanta may be a little further down the list. If you look at the numbers of eligible men, you'd have to take out the few that are married, those that are in jail or on house arrest, those that are chronically unemployed, those that are openly gay and those that are down low. That leaves 12 eligible bachelors in Atlanta for the 10,898 beautiful, smart and successful black women in town. Hmmm....not so good.

Ok my numbers may be a bit exaggerated but the article does point out that:

  • Today the median age of first marriage is rising for both men and women
  • singles make up 41% of American adults 18 and over
  • most Americans can expect to spend fully half of their adult lives unmarried
  • 9.8 million Americans lived with an opposite sex partner ie) shacked up, in 2005
  • becoming a single mother by choice rather than necessity is a growing trend


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