Friday, August 24, 2007

Love Don't Live Here Anymore: Juanita Bynum Update

Photo courtesy of AJC.

So, the alleged wife beater, Bishop Thomas Weeks is now out on bond after attacking his estranged wife, Juanita Bynum in a hotel parking lot on Wednesday. He surrendered to authorities and spent about 6 hours in jail. He was ordered to have no contact with Bynum or her sister. AJC is reporting that Weeks released the following statements through his lawyers:

"He is extremely sad over the events that have taken place," said Edward Garland, one of the two attorneys representing Weeks. "I think there is hope on his part that the relationship can get past these difficult moments.
"He has never had any accusation of any sort like this from her or anyone esle," said Garland. "There are a lot of circumstances surrounding these events that will be explained at a later time. He is turning it over to the court system at this point.''
Weeks, Garland said, will meet with "a variety of pastors over which he presides, and with his father, who is a minister, and he's going to make a prayerful decision as to how he proceeds. He's dedicated his whole life to the ministry, and we're very hopeful that he will be able to continue to lead the ministry."

Bynum is attempting to make clear through her publicist that the two were not fighting, she was assaulted.

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