There are 2 types of people in the world: those who like to kiss, and those who don't. For those of you against the lip locking, tongue wrestling exercise, here are a few reasons to make yourself pucker up:
- Kissing stabilizes cardiovascular activity, decreases high blood pressure, and lowers cholesterol.
- Kissing prevents cavities and plaque build-up by stimulating saliva production while preventing gingivitis through the calcium present in saliva.
- Kissing stimulates over 30 facial muscles which smooths out skin and increases blood circulation to the face.
- Kissing burns 12 calories per five-second episode and three passionate kisses a day will help you lose one pound!
- Kissing prevents the formation of the stress hormone glucocorticoids which causes high blood pressure, muscle weakening and insomnia.
- Kissing does its part to vaccinate people from new germs. Saliva contains bacteria, 80% of them are common to all people with 20% unique to each person. By sharing saliva with a partner, you are stimulating your immune system to respond to the different bacteria you are being exposed to. The result is that your immune system creates certain anti-bodies to these new bacteria, which in effect vaccinates you against these germs. This process is called cross-immunotherapy.
- Kissing cures hiccups.
- Finally, you may not be surprised to know that kissing offers an express analysis of genetic compatibility. While you are kissing, your brain conducts instant chemical analysis of your partner's saliva and issues a "verdict" of your genetic compatibility. Think about it. Don't you know much more about what you like or don't like in a person after one kiss? And kissing is much more fun than taking a relationship inventory!
For more, read Larry James's book: LoveNotes for Lovers: Words that Make Music for Two Hearts Dancing.
Rhonda - Thank you for the link to my "LoveNotes for Lovers" book in your article "The Kissing Game." Your readers might be interested in more of what I have to say about "The Kiss" @ http://www. They can also read a different "LoveNote" each day by reading my Daily Love Potion.
Keep up the great relationship work you are doing.
Larry James, Author, Relationship Coach and PRofessional Speaker
Rhonda - Thought you might like to know about my newest BLOG. Go to: Lots more relationship articles there!
Larry James, Author, Relationship Coach and Professional Speaker
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